Informational Page

Gospel Ready Ministries was started in 2021 by Terry and Michele Adrian, answering God’s calling to ministry, to help fellow Christians throughout the process of sanctification and maturing in their faith.

Terry and Michele have been married for 23 years and spent much of that time in Colorado raising their four children before relocating to Indiana.  They have both continued to be very active in their home church.

Terry grew up in Indiana and has been a Christian since 2002.  Terry has served in several capacities in the church including worship team, running sound and video, teaching AWANA, and teaching 3rd through 5th graders in Sunday School.  He has developed curriculum for and taught a new believers class. Terry’s ministry passions are ministering to new believers and apologetics – most recently developing a study on Noah’s Flood for 3rd through 6th grade students.

Michele also grew up in Indiana and has been a Christian since high school.  She raised and homeschooled their four children.  She has remained active in the church and served in several capacities, including worship team, teaching in children’s programs like MOPS and AWANA, homeschooling groups, and home Bible studies. She has developed and taught Bible studies and classes on world religions.